Role of Cabinet
Cabinet is the decision-making body for Government. It meets every week, or as necessary, to make policy decisions based on submissions from the various ministries. It also serves as a forum where each minister gives an update on his/her ministry. So everyone is aware of what is happening in the entire government to be able to represent it well.
Special Committees
In carrying out its functions, Cabinet can appoint different committees to deal with specific issues. These committees are formed as deemed necessary to give advice to Cabinet to assist it in making proper decisions.
The committees are dissolved after their missions have been accomplished.
Procedure for Submissions to Cabinet
Formal submissions to Cabinet must be signed by the minister of the ministry making the submission, and must be addressed to the Cabinet Secretary. Informal matters may be submitted by the minister or Permanent Secretary. Matters that Cabinet must deliberate on must be signed by the highest official of that ministry. All matters submitted to Cabinet must be signed by the Administrative Head of that ministry, and should be done one week in advance. However emergency matters are dealt with accordingly.
Meeting date for Cabinet
Cabinet meets once a week, on Wednesday, and at other times, as deemed necessary.