Welcome to the official website of the Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

The Regional Integration and Diaspora Unit is currently distributing books and other reading materials to a number of primary and secondary schools throughout Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

These items form part of a donation by the Toronto-SVG Support Group. Among the schools that received books recently are the Clare Valley Government, the Buccament Bay Secondary and the Central Leeward Secondary.

Deputy Director of the Regional Integration and Diaspora Unit, Hon. Maxwell Charles, was present at the handing over. He urged the students to read as much as possible to improve their vocabulary and to improve their minds.

Principal of the Clare Valley Primary School, Mrs. Desiree Wilson, expressed her gratitude for the donation, and said that it would go a long way in augmenting the current batch of reading materials in the school’s library.

Principal of the Buccament Bay Secondary, Mr. Godwin Martin, urged the students to make use of the reading materials; he also noted that special emphasis is being given to reading and English Language in the school’s curriculum.

The students of the Central Leeward Secondary School expressed their excitement on receiving the books. Teachers and the Principal, Mr. Kenneth Holder, were on hand to receive the donation. The Principal said that he was happy that the school was among the batch of recipients.

Other donations are scheduled to be made, this time on the windward side of the island, to the St. Clair Dacon Secondary School, the New Grounds Primary School, the North Union Secondary School, and the Georgetown and Sandy Bay Secondary schools.


Source: API